in June

June 19, 2020

It's the third month of the quarantine, and I'm starting to miss Solo.

I moved to Solo in September 2019 to continue my undergraduate degree at Sebelas Maret University. In case you guys are wondering, I previously got my Diploma from the University of Indonesia but I thought I wasn't ready to begin my career. So I decided to go back to school while there was a chance. 

And yes, I applied to both extension programs at the University of Indonesia and Sebelas Maret University but I got rejected from UI (I wasn't surprised, tho) and I got accepted to UNS's extension program instead. I was very thrilled to know that I accepted and I moved to Central Java for good! I was very excited because I've wanted to live in Central Java because of the people, the ambiance and the culture! And my boyfriend lives in Central Java, so... yes I was very excited.
There were always be the firsts of everything. First night in my own dorm, the first day of class, first time introducing myself to new friends, the first dish I've tasted in the campus cafeteria and the first of everything leads to some sort of habits. It became very normal for the 30th time. Just like how I miss it right now. 

My biggest threat was if I'm able to take pictures of products just like how I always do in my hometown. I wasn't able to bring the usual background since it was too big and heavy for me to carry. So I learned how to take pictures without it at first, and it turned out just well. So that might explain why I had stopped using my honeycomb/hexagonal-you-name-it background on my feed. (yet, later on, I came up with the new and similar background, but now I kinda get bored of it lol)

For someone who didn't know how to speak in Javanese, it must be hard to blend with many other friends who can speak fluent Javanese in the first place. But lucky me, I got nice friends who taught me basic Javanese to use in daily conversation and I'm getting used to it! Except when they talk really fast until I couldn't catch their saying lol. 

"Fall season" at the uni, lol

There are full of new things when you start learning something new. New friends, new habits, and new surroundings. And who would've thought that it could turn you into someone better? In Solo, I learned to know myself better. I knew what exactly I wanted, I learned to overcome my fears to live alone and go places by myself. I even bought a bike because my dad won't let me ride a motorcycle and that's OK because I've been wanting to have my own bike since 2018 to run errands or to go to the campus. 

I went to places I've never been before with a bunch of people that I barely know from class but I ended up having so much fun to get out from my comfort zone for just a moment. 
Because sometimes, what you can do for yourself was to see anything differently and never miss any opportunity for new experiences.

It's June already, what's on your thoughts?

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  1. aku suka baca cerita orang-orang yang merantau karna nggak kesampean mau kuliah di luar kota. btw, solo deket yey sama jogjaa. kalo keadaan udah memungkinkan, bisa main nih kayanya haha

